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Organisational Change: 4 Common reasons why it misses the mark or becomes unstuck?

Change provides organisations with the opportunity to become more efficient and effective. However, it is rarely neat in practice, as it often reflects the complexity and the dynamic nature of changing and provokes a range of responses based on the unique characteristics of the organisation.

Unfortunately, all too often change within organisations can fall short, fail, or even worse, damage the organisation’s brand and reputation.

4 Common reasons why change misses the mark

  1. The lack of a clear vision regarding desired outcomes, and a failure to identify the potential attributes of the altered state;

  2. The failure to fully comprehend the practical and tangible impacts resulting from change, on individual employees, team members, and organisation-wide;

  3. The lack of a compelling and consistent message, articulated to inspire others to support and embrace the need for change; and

  4. The lack of consultation with stakeholders, overlooking the opportunity to welcome and embrace the valuable input of others.

Triggers for Change

Internal triggers can result from changes in leadership or culture, an organisational restructure, streamlining internal functions or the introduction of technological advances. External triggers may be provoked by changes in government and legislation, or shifts in social, economic, and industry factors.

Key considerations to maximise change success

  1. It is crucial to gather a comprehensive understanding of the change context. It is prudent to recognise that every change process is embedded in its own context;

  2. Know the, ‘why’ behind the triggers for change, and construct clearly defined outcomes and a compelling vision of what success will look like;

  3. Recognise that organisation change creates a variation, and this invariably impacts on human and non-human resources. As these resources are intertwined, it is wise to consider how changes in structures and technologies impact on people’s behaviour; and

  4. Anticipate the likelihood of turbulence, and act proactively to reduce its negative impact.

Human Resource (HR) Consult welcomes a conversation with you, if you are seeking answers on how to improve the performance of your business, your people and your processes.

Karen Wall

M: 0403 902 952

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